Since 1990, our food pantry has been open to Bellingham, MA residents on Tuesdays, 11:00am-12:30pm or in case of an emergency. We are distributing food to approximately 85-100 households per week; seniors, veterans, adults, children, the disabled or those simply in need. We do not discriminate against anyone. We LOVE donations of healthy fresh food. Toiletries are also very much appreciated. We distribute approximately 150-200 Thanksgiving Baskets every year.
We are members of the Feeding America network through the Greater Boston Food Bank. The food pantry is supported through the generosity of local churches, civic groups, schools, businesses, and community members. We are always in need of donations and volunteers. Volunteers work at the food pantry Monday and Tuesday mornings. If you are interested in volunteering or donating, please email Sue Durkin at [email protected].
We have volunteers here on Monday and Tuesday mornings to accept donations. If you need other arrangements, please email Sue Durkin at [email protected]. We may be able to pick up donations depending on location.
ProducePedia is a free resource that covers the types of fresh produce that can be delivered to food pantries. Each entry includes information on color, taste, and possible uses. People unfamiliar with the vegetable or fruit will learn how to use it, and those who are familiar with it still might learn a fun fact or two!
The Cooperative Extension sites have a wealth of information for any backyard gardener. Once you go to the site (each one if very different from the others) look for a link for “homes and gardens”, “landscape”, “consumer horticulture”, etc. to find information on improving your backyard garden. Neighboring state sites may offer information your own state’s site lacks.