Good morning, we are a food pantry and resource center located at Evangel Church of God in Dayton OH. We serve our community every Monday from 5pm-8pm. We serve about 800-900 members every Monday. We also supply resources, some days we have shampoo other days we have toilet paper it varies each week. We also supply a vast amount of knowledge on how to pay or if they need help with bills, pets, insurance, resumes, etc. Knowledge is power but it’s their choice to make those next steps in life.
We serve every type of family you can think of, we don’t deny anyone food or resources. Due to our growth we have been asking around for any overflow from other organizations and through that we were connected here. Each night we are left with only canned goods so more produce could be a huge benefit to our members. We would be grateful for any help to feed our community. Thank you and have a blessed day! Ashley Copeland
Feel free to text me if there is another day for a drop off donation. We usually always have people in the school building since they are open Monday-Thursday. I can call them and let them know there will be a shipment coming. Pretty flexible! Monday is just the days that we have assigned workers there all day expecting trucks and donations.
You can text me anytime my name is Ashley Copeland, I am the director of the pantry and my phone number is 937-889-8335. John Lake is who you will meet if you arrive during the morning shift on Monday. We have volunteers there from 8:00 AM until 5pm when we start feeding the community.
The church has a school building in the back it’s white and blue that is where we store all of our food and where the volunteers will be located. If any questions arise please feel free to call or text me at anytime.
ProducePedia is a free resource that covers the types of fresh produce that can be delivered to food pantries. Each entry includes information on color, taste, and possible uses. People unfamiliar with the vegetable or fruit will learn how to use it, and those who are familiar with it still might learn a fun fact or two!
The Cooperative Extension sites have a wealth of information for any backyard gardener. Once you go to the site (each one if very different from the others) look for a link for “homes and gardens”, “landscape”, “consumer horticulture”, etc. to find information on improving your backyard garden. Neighboring state sites may offer information your own state’s site lacks.