Mission of Love Charities persists in its commitment to serve about 90 homeless and low-income families and individuals in the community a day. With the health, economic and social effects of the coronavirus pandemic, the deleterious impact has been severe on many people, including many families with children, who were and are living on the very margins of society. The result is that the number of people seeking help has increased dramatically. Most, if not all of these people are faced with food insecurity, and Mission of Love Charities seeks to provide them with food supplies they need. Additionally, many of the people who come to Mission of Love Charities for help are faced with housing insecurity and eviction, and they need help to pay the rent and pay a deposit on a rental. And most, if not all of these people, need some help and training to get back in the workforce.
We would love to receive healthy fresh food for our families
ProducePedia is a free resource that covers the types of fresh produce that can be delivered to food pantries. Each entry includes information on color, taste, and possible uses. People unfamiliar with the vegetable or fruit will learn how to use it, and those who are familiar with it still might learn a fun fact or two!
The Cooperative Extension sites have a wealth of information for any backyard gardener. Once you go to the site (each one if very different from the others) look for a link for “homes and gardens”, “landscape”, “consumer horticulture”, etc. to find information on improving your backyard garden. Neighboring state sites may offer information your own state’s site lacks.