We are a food pantry and clothing. We are open on Tuesday's 10AM to 12PM and Thursday's 6PM to 8PM. We are closed the 5th Thursday of any month, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Clients can come once a calendar month. We serve anyone in need and meets the income requirements. We are currently serving approximately 205 families, 975 people per month.
We love healthy fresh food and appreciate all donations. Currently we have a big need for canned or boxed potatoes, cereal, toiletries and toilet paper.
The storehouse for Jesus is located on the top of the hill at the Pataskala Church of the Nazarene. We are open Tuesday's 10AM - 12PM and Thursday's 6PM - 8PM. We are closed the 5th Thursday of any month. Clients can come once a calendar month. They must bring photo ID and proof of address the first time. After that photo ID each time they come.
ProducePedia is a free resource that covers the types of fresh produce that can be delivered to food pantries. Each entry includes information on color, taste, and possible uses. People unfamiliar with the vegetable or fruit will learn how to use it, and those who are familiar with it still might learn a fun fact or two!
The Cooperative Extension sites have a wealth of information for any backyard gardener. Once you go to the site (each one if very different from the others) look for a link for “homes and gardens”, “landscape”, “consumer horticulture”, etc. to find information on improving your backyard garden. Neighboring state sites may offer information your own state’s site lacks.