You know she doesn’t want the standard flowers and chocolates for Valentine’s Day this year, she wants something special and different…something you put a lot of thought into. She’s a gardener. But, don’t just get her yet another pair of gardening gloves…okay the ones with the butterflies were pretty cute, but she really doesn’t need 5 pairs of gardening gloves. And, she really doesn’t need another set of pruning shears so what are you going to give her on the most romantic day of the year?
Try something new. Instead of a bouquet of flowers (that are super expensive and don’t last very long) make a romantic fruit and vegetable centerpiece to place on the table for your romantic home-cooked meal. Check out our Pinterest page for ideas. Tell her that when she’s done enjoying this super crafty and beautiful thing you made, you’re going to donate it to a local food pantry in honor of her. Won’t that just melt her heart?! Visit to find a pantry near you that is desperate for fresh food to feed hungry families.

Seed Packet Bouquet
Or, if you can get your hands on one of those seed catalogs she’s always flipping through while daydreaming about this year’s garden, order her some seeds for her and make a cool bouquet with them like this. That way she can plant extra vegetables in the garden this year and donate the excess produce to a local food pantry via She’ll be doing what she loves and helping those in need at the same time!
Be creative and think outside of the box and the gardener in your life will love you for it. Give a garden-themed gift that shows her you care…and that you know she cares about the hungry in your community. Be sure to share pictures of your Valentine’s Day creations with us on Facebook. Have a very happy Valentine’s day!