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Created by CNN Hero Gary Oppenheimer in 2009, AmpleHarvest.org is an award winning nationwide hunger/food waste nonprofit that enables America’s food pantries and other similar programs to receive surplus locally grown and freshly harvested garden produce from nearby backyard and community gardeners. It simultaneously solves the two problems of the desperate need for healthy fresh food at local food pantries and the historic waste of food problem faced by millions of gardeners. Moreover, it operates at no cost whatsoever to the pantry or the gardener.
AmpleHarvest.org has received backing and support from the USDA, Google, Feeding America, Bonnie Plants, Home Depot and food banks nationwide as well as major faith-based organizations. It has been highlighted on the White House web site, PBS’s “Growing A Greener World” as well as the CNN Heroes program.
AmpleHarvest.org enables gardeners to find a food pantry near them and then view the pantries’ desired day/time for receiving donations. AmpleHarvest.org also displays personalized driving instructions to the pantry – even if it is on a reservation that lacks street addresses – as well as a photograph of the pantry – making it easier to find. For the benefit of gardeners during a non-growing season or anyone else interested in making a donation, AmpleHarvest.org also provides pantries the opportunity to list store bought items that they need.
Our vision is an America where millions of gardeners eliminate malnutrition and hunger in their own communities. We are accomplishing this by educating, encouraging and enabling growers, nationwide, to donate their surplus harvest to their neighbors in need instead of allowing it to rot in the garden. Once a gardener is “connected” to a local food pantry, they will continue to donate for the rest of their gardening life. Our message to America is: No Food Left Behind.
Although there are a number of excellent programs that help community gardens get produce to food banks, AmpleHarvest.org is the only nationwide program that is solving hunger/malnutrition by moving information instead of moving food to enable local gardeners to find neighborhood food pantries. You can learn more about this at www.AmpleHarvest.org/DefiningTheDifference.
AmpleHarvest.org, Inc. is a 501c3 charitable organization (EIN #27-2433274).
* Important Note… We consider anyone who grows food for their own enjoyment (i.e. not to be sold to others) as a gardener, regardless of the size of their garden plot. While farmers are welcome to use AmpleHarvest.org, we really want them to make a living by selling what they grow. AmpleHarvest.org is 100% focused on recreational gardeners nationwide.
AmpleHarvest.org was originally built to solve the hunger/food waste problem found in nearly every community in the country. For ten years, there was no particular focus on any geographic region. However, over time, as more and more food pantries joined and more and more gardeners donated food, we started to see a gap in our impact map. After consultation with other programs in the food space and more importantly, a Native American elder who has been a decade long friend and supporter of our work, we came to realize that what was working so well in 5,600 communities nationwide didn’t work as well in many Native American Reservations and communities.
After surveying many Tribal elders and following up with meetings, we came to realize that we were going to need to make some small but critically important changes to AmpleHarvest.org to meet the “facts on the ground” including the lack of street addresses and in some cases, zip codes in some communities as well as a food pantry model what could be somewhat different from the original thinking.
When we launched the new AmpleHarvest.org web site in 2021, we included enhancements that we knew were going to be necessary to adapt our platform.
So we did.
Simply put, AmpleHarvest.org in Indian Country has the same goal as the legacy program – to help assure that the surplus garden food grown in Native American communities can be donated to a local food program – even a food program that might be located within a place of business or on an unnamed street. This adaptation of AmpleHarvest.org is heavily reliant on the leadership, guidance and wisdom provided by numerous Native American elders as well as Indigenous food sovereignty experts.
We deeply appreciate their showing us the way and support for this program.
Food Banks are large-scale operations that collect and distribute food and other household items to local food pantries, soup kitchens, etc. Food Pantries* are local walk-in facilities where families in need go to get food. The typical food pantry operates out of a local house of worship, school, or other civic building. Most of the foods distributed by the pantries are packaged, canned or dry goods. Refrigeration is usually limited to dairy items such as milk and cheese. Produce is rarely available.
*Note: In some parts of the country, what we are calling a “food pantry” is instead referred to as a “food shelf”, “food closet”, “food cupboard”, “food share” or even “food bank”. For the sake of simplicity, AmpleHarvest.org uses only the terms “Food Bank” and “Food Pantry”.
In some Tribal communities, these pantries are actually housed in a place of business such as a hardware store, so while non-Tribal based pantries must be or be affiliated with a 501c3, this rule is relaxed here. However, donated food must be distributed at no cost to the recipient.
No one knows for sure. According to a study by FeedingAmerica.org, in 2010, there were 33,500 in their network – an increase of 13% from 2006. There are no accurate statistics on how many other food pantries exist outside of the FeedingAmerica.org network, but by some estimates, there may now be more than 40,000.
Donating your surplus food is intrinsic to all Native American communities. One question you may want to ask yourself is “am I sharing food with neighbors who can afford to buy food while a nearby food pantry lacks fresh food for my hungry neighbors?”. You might decide to keep sharing as you always have, donate the entire surplus to the pantry, or possibly do both. This is entirely your personal choice.
While there is an increasing effort to improve access to fresh food at America’s food pantries, all too often they still have little or none to offer.
Unlike supermarkets that get fresh produce deliveries daily, food banks and other sources deliver food less frequently to pantries. Because food banks are often providing food to hundreds of pantries within a large geographic area, it’s just not possible in many cases for them to get fresh produce – especially short shelf life produce – before it spoils.
Another problem is, for many food pantries, the prohibitive cost of refrigeration and storage for fresh produce. AmpleHarvest.org addresses this by introducing “just in time” donations with food harvested, donated and then distributed on a same day basis. Simply put, hungry families are able to get food that is fresher than you can buy at a supermarket.
In an ideal world, gardeners would plant only enough to satisfy the needs of themselves and their friends. The reality of gardening is that all sorts of things beyond the control of the gardener influence the ultimate size of the harvest. In a growing season with lots of sun, adequate rain, no late or early frosts, no serious pest problems, the grower gets a larger harvest. Because a gardener can never know how good (or bad) the growing season will be, they usually grow more plants than they need.
AmpleHarvest.org exists to ensure that the extra produce gets to food pantries instead of being left to rot in the garden.
Yes! Not everyone gardens and gardeners do not garden all the time. Food pantries need fresh produce – but they also need a variety of store bought items all year long.
Pantries are encouraged to add information to their AmpleHarvest.org page listing store bought items they are most in need of (they may also list items they don’t need!). If the pantry you found has listed store bought items they need, buy what you can afford on your next shopping trip (or check your kitchen cabinets) and drop them off at the pantry at the day/time they listed for donations.
Please check the expiration date on the items you are bringing to the pantry (from your home or from a store). Even canned goods expire. Food pantries do not distribute, and will dispose of food past its expiration date.
Food Pantries
It’s that simple!
Nationwide, there are 62 million gardeners, some of whom are near you. AmpleHarvest.org in Indian Country educates them about their opportunity to share their surplus harvests. Once they have that harvest, they come to www.AmpleHarvest.org/IC to find a nearby food pantry eager for that bounty.
Once you have <a href=”https://ampleharvest.org/register-a-pantry/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>registered</a> your food pantry on AmpleHarvest.org in Indian Country, your pantry becomes “visible” to the gardeners.
Now that they know about donating and have found your food pantry, every time in the future when they harvest more than they can use, they’ll be able to bring it to your pantry, and your hungry clients will be able to take it home hours later. It’s that simple.
Nope. None. Nada. Zippo. AmpleHarvest.org is totally free for both your food pantry as well as the gardeners who use AmpleHarvest.org to find your food pantry.
AmpleHarvest.org is designed to make your food pantry “visible” to nearby gardeners eager to share their surplus harvest.
Other agencies such as soup kitchens and shelters may also take advantage of AmpleHarvest.org although our model was explicitly designed to meet the exact needs of food pantries.
The three requirements to register on AmpleHarvest.org are the agency must be:
- Located within one of the 50 states of the United States.
- Must confirm to one of the below business models:
- A 501c3 not for profit organization (most food pantries)
- A charitable organization with a 501c3 fiscal sponsor
- An organization registered as a charity in their own state (some small charities)
- An IRS recognized faith organization (church, school) or a government agency (town government for example).
- A local business (or Tribal government agency) that sets aside space to function as a food pantry even if the business itself is not a 501c3. For example, a store that sets aside space for a food pantry.
- Moreover, the donated food must be distributed at no charge to the recipients.
Individuals, ad-hoc groups and for-profit organizations may not register on AmpleHarvest.org in Indian Country. If in doubt, please send an email to [email protected]
Because many pantries have limited refrigeration capacity with little or no room for bulky produce such as lettuce or melons, they usually provide only canned fruits and vegetables. AmpleHarvest.org solves this problem.
On the Pantry Registration page, you are encouraged to put the day[s] of the week and the time of day that gardeners should deliver their produce to you. Ideally, you can ask them to deliver the food just before you are going to distribute it to your clients. The produce should be in and out of your pantry on a same day or next day basis. Any produce harvested from a backyard garden can survive quite well without refrigeration for a day or so.
Visit www.AmpleHarvest.org/IC and select register button.
Here are some helpful hints about registering:
- Select a username and password that is easy for you to remember, but not easy for others to guess. You will need your email and password in the future if you want to update the information on your page. Passwords should be at least seven characters long.
- If you are on a Reservation or in a community that lacks standard street addresses (such as 100 Main Street), or if people have a difficult time locating your pantry, go to step 2A. If your pantry has a standard street address, go to step 2B
.- If your food pantry doesn’t have a standard street address or even if it does but people have a difficult time locating you, this information will be very important to you. AmpleHarvest.org has partnered with a technology company called ///What3Words to solve this problem for you.///What3Words has divided the entire planet into 10 by 10 foot squares, and has given each of these squares a name consisting of three words separated by a period. For example, the 10 by 10 foot square marking the beginning of the pathway to the Devils Tower National Monument is called “///badger.supposing.appraised” and if you started walking towards it, the next square you would step on is called “///reefs.indefinite.forgiven”. You can see this for yourself by using either their website (https://what3words.com/) or their free Android or IOS app. When you start the food pantry registration process, the address question will appear as: Select how you want to identify your pantry’s location.
- First select “what3words (no address required)” and then select “Find yours here at w3w.com” to open a new window.
- Click on the search icon and enter the name of your community or of one closest to you. Move around the map to find **exactly** where your food pantry is located.
- If your food pantry doesn’t have a standard street address or even if it does but people have a difficult time locating you, this information will be very important to you. AmpleHarvest.org has partnered with a technology company called ///What3Words to solve this problem for you.///What3Words has divided the entire planet into 10 by 10 foot squares, and has given each of these squares a name consisting of three words separated by a period. For example, the 10 by 10 foot square marking the beginning of the pathway to the Devils Tower National Monument is called “///badger.supposing.appraised” and if you started walking towards it, the next square you would step on is called “///reefs.indefinite.forgiven”. You can see this for yourself by using either their website (https://what3words.com/) or their free Android or IOS app. When you start the food pantry registration process, the address question will appear as: Select how you want to identify your pantry’s location.
- Once you find it, click on that square and your 3 words will appear.
- Press the copy-to-clipboard icon.
- Return to the registration page and paste the 3 words. (Note… if you prefer to copy and type them, remember to use a period between each one). Note that as you enter the words, several possibilities will appear below (to help you in case of a misspelling). Carefully select the one that is yours.
That’s it! AmpleHarvest.org will then have the exact longitude/latitude of the 10 by 10 foot square at the door to your pantry that will be needed to guide gardeners to your pantry. Then continue with your registration. It’s that simple. Continue to step 3.
- If your food pantry has a standard street address, enter it as you normally would.
Note that the Street Address field should contain ONLY the address – no PO Box numbers, no floor numbers, etc. All words should be spelled out.
Important note: AmpleHarvest.org uses Google Maps to help gardeners locate your pantry. If Google Maps does not recognize your address, it will not process properly. If you are in doubt, go to http://maps.google.com/ and enter your street address followed by your zip code (i.e. 123 Main Street 10024). If Google Maps shows your location properly, enter it into AmpleHarvest.org. Otherwise try testing a variation of your address. For example, if 10 Saint Marks Pl. does not work, try 10 St. Marks Pl. instead.
- Make sure that the State field properly displays your state.
- If Google has a street image in their system, it will appear. This will make it easier for gardeners to locate your building. If Google doesn’t have an image or you’d prefer to upload your own, we strongly suggest that the image be without people to avoid any privacy issues.
- Many pantries are using the Additional Information field to list store-bought items the pantry needs – enabling non-gardeners to also help your pantry. You can update this information as often as you want.
Be sure to list the days and times that you want the gardeners to come with their garden food donations. It is best to have the gardeners come an hour or so before your clients to help assure that the donated food will be truly “garden fresh”
There are several steps you can take:
- Wait for a confirmation email welcoming you to AmpleHarvest.org. It will include the helpful information below – and more.
- Send an announcement to the local press and electronic media announcing your participation in AmpleHarvest.org. A sample press announcement (including AmpleHarvest.org logo graphics) is available herefor your use.
- Let other food pantries and similar agencies in your area know about AmpleHarvest.org. You may want to email or fax information about AmpleHarvest.org to these neighboring pantries. A sample email document is available here.
- Help inform the gardeners in your community about the opportunity to share their produce with a food pantry. Print out this garden shop flier, and ask your staff and clients to take it to your local
- garden shop
- nursery
- lawn and garden section of your local Home Depot/Lowes/Sears/Wal-Mart, etc.
- hardware store
- Tribal office
and then ask them to post it by their cashier or in another conspicuous location. It can also be posted on the public bulletin board at your Tribal office, a local library, supermarket, house of worship or health club/recreation facility
- If your food pantry has a web page, put a link on your page to the AmpleHarvest.org site. Please visit the Welcome to AmpleHarvest.org page for additional helpful information
You can expect gardeners in your area to share their surplus garden produce with your food pantry when
- Your food pantry registers at AmpleHarvet.org –and–
- When the gardeners in your area learn about donating food to your food pantry –and-
- When their garden is ready for harvest and they have more food than they can use –and–
- When your food pantry listing on AmpleHarvest.org invites gardeners to come.
In short, it could be tomorrow or it could be next summer. It is important to remember that this is the surplus food at the peak of a harvest season. Industry experts estimate that more than 62 million (up from the pre-COVID-19 estimates of 42 million according to the National Gardening Association,) American households grow fruit, vegetables and herbs and nuts, and they grow a LOT of food – enough surplus food to feed 28 million Americans.
How much produce may be donated and when will vary greatly based on what part of the country you are in, the time of the year, what type of growing season your region experienced, and how the backyard gardeners in the area prefer to plant their gardens. It also depends on what crops different gardeners decide to grow and on the weather and pest issues of a given year.
While it is difficult to predict when or how much produce your local gardeners will bring in, you can encourage them! Your staff and your clients can help influence the gardeners in your community to share their produce with a local food pantry. Please visit the Informing the Gardener page to learn more.
That is up to you and the donor. Our experience has been that in the vast number of cases, growers are happy to drive the food to your food pantry.
If you have access to a car or van and are willing to transport the food, you can then get food from a grower who does not drive or has no access to public transportation. Either they will arrange to get the food to you or they may need to share it with another food pantry in the community.
Absolutely YES.
Nationwide, we are seeing a resurgence of gardening in cities–abandoned plots, community gardens, rooftop gardens, and even “upside-down” tomato growing. Even the White House has its own vegetable garden! Someone growing in the city can harvest as much as his or her rural counterparts can. All they need is good soil, sun, rain and like every other gardener, some luck.
Both programs work very hard to get fresh garden produce to the food insecure. AmpleHarvest.org is focused on getting fresh produce from millions of gardeners across all 50 states to local food pantries and Plant-a-Row for the Hungry (PAR) is available in those communities where they are set up to operate.
AmpleHarvest.org offers gardeners nationwide online real-time information about their neighborhood pantries. Additionally, AmpleHarvest.org also offers gardeners and non-gardeners alike, the opportunity to see what store bought items the food pantries in their community are need. A food agency can easily participate in both programs.
Some food banks have expressed an interest in receiving this information so you should contact yours to see if this information would be helpful to them.
Gardeners are welcome to send an email to [email protected] when they share their bounty. AmpleHarvest.org itself does no tracking of gardeners seeking food pantries nor the amount of produce donated.
The answer is a cautionary “yes”. AmpleHarvest.org is designed to help millions of gardeners find food pantries and donate their surplus crops to them. Soup kitchens and shelters operate differently from pantries in that they require all of the needed ingredients for a meal to be on-hand for every meal. Since local gardeners donate their produce when they harvest and only if/when they want to, you can’t be assured of a steady supply of produce from the gardeners.
If you can operate with the unpredictability of the gardener’s donations, then yes, you may register at AmpleHarvest.org. If however, you need to be assured of a steady supply of produce, you should instead rely on other sources.
As you complete your pantry sign up, fill out all the fields on your listing to let people know what store bought items you need, such as pasta, cereal, toothpaste, etc. Update it as often as necessary by selecting Register/Update a Pantry, and then entering your username and password in the “Existing Pantries Log in Here” section on the left side of the screen.
AmpleHarvest.org works with nearly every Feeding America food bank in America as well as with Feeding America itself. Because the food banks have direct access to their member agencies, we count on the food banks to help agencies learn about AmpleHarvest.org and encourage them to register themselves. This is good for the food bank because it help the agencies get access to freshly harvested and locally grown food and because it enables local food drives to get the collected food directly to the agency without bogging down the food bank with the task of sorting and distributing food donated by individuals – thereby cutting the operating costs for the food bank.
Several resources are available for food banks to share with their agencies:
- Food Pantry Registration Information
- Food Pantry Information and Registration Form
- Video explaining how to register
Please urge your agencies to see if they might already be registered on AmpleHarvest.org before possibly re-registering themselves by going first to Find a Pantry and entering their zip code. If their food pantry does not show up, they should register it.
While we strongly encourage individual agencies to register themselves at AmpleHarvest.org, some food banks have asked to “bulk load” their agencies. If your food bank wants to take that approach, please populate the bulk load spreadsheet and follow the enclosed instructions.
Lastly, if your food bank is hosting a conference or meeting for all of your agencies and you are looking for a keynote speaker, check out our speaker page and then email [email protected] with the date and location – someone will get back to you within a few hours.
AmpleHarvest.org works with nearly every food bank in America as well as with Feeding America itself. Because the food banks have direct access to their member agencies, we count on the food banks to help agencies learn about AmpleHarvest.org and encourage them to register themselves. This is good for the food bank because it help the agencies get access to freshly harvested and locally grown food and because it enables local food drives to get the collected food directly to the agency without bogging down the food bank with the task of sorting and distributing food donated by individuals – thereby cutting the operating costs for the food bank.
Several resources are available for food banks to share with their agencies:
- Food Pantry Registration Information
- Fliers for food pantries
- Video from our founder explaining AmpleHarvest.org in Indian Country
Please urge your agencies to see if they might already be registered on AmpleHarvest.org before possibly re-registering themselves by going first to Find a Pantry and entering their zip code. If their food pantry does not show up, they should register it.
While we strongly encourage individual agencies to register themselves at AmpleHarvest.org, some food banks have asked to “bulk load” their agencies. If your food bank wants to take that approach, please populate the bulk load spreadsheet and follow the enclosed instructions.
Lastly, if your food bank is hosting a conference or meeting for all of your agencies and you are looking for a keynote speaker, check out our speaker page and then email [email protected] with the date and location – someone will get back to you within a few hours.
You, the gardener, will be critically vital to your community this growing season to help reduce hunger and improve the quality of food available for your hungry neighbors. Consider expanding your garden if you have the space to grow more food specifically for donation this year.
To keep yourself, the food pantry staff and the hungry clients safe, please follow these guidelines:
- If you are under the weather, coughing or sneezing, or have a fever, don’t harvest food for your family or donate until you are better. Maybe ask a friend to do it for you (remember…stay 6 feet away from them)
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. AND use your gardening gloves from harvest to donation. Don’t have gardening gloves? Consider your winter gloves or maybe dish washing (wash with soap like your hands first) gloves instead.
- If you are going to use the food for your own family, wash it thoroughly. Using warm soapy water can add extra protection. If you cook the food, the cooking kills any virus that may be present.
- When you take the food to the food pantry, call them ahead of time and tell them exactly when you expect to arrive. Agree to a specific location at the food pantry where you will leave the food so that you can drop it off and then immediately step away more than six feet before the staff retrieves the food. Both parties should be wearing gloves.
- When you are done, wash your hands again.
This is a difficult time for America. AmpleHarvest.org and gardeners like you can make it a bit less difficult for everyone.
Great question – We could use your help!
Food pantries are often “under the radar”–they do not have a web site, signs on the front door, or a phone book listing. That is why we created AmpleHarvest.org, to make it possible for growers to find a pantry in their neighborhood.
If we do not list a pantry in your area, please help us find one. How? See if a place of worship or other civic organization in your community has one. Call your regional food bank (www.feedingamerica.org can help you find it) and ask them if they can help you.
Once you do find one, contact them to see if they will accept your produce. ALSO, please ask them to visit AmpleHarvest.org or print out the food pantry flier and give it to them. You can also ask them to contact the other nearby food pantries to let them know about AmpleHarvest.org. If they are not Internet savvy, you may want to help them register on AmpleHarvest.org.
Once they are registered, the next backyard gardener in your area looking to share their bounty will not experience the problems you did.
First and foremost, see if they have a preferred delivery day of the week and time of day listed. It is important to adhere to the pantries scheduling information if they provide it to make it easier on their operations. If no day/time is listed, call or email them to find out when they would like you to deliver the produce.
On the day of your planned delivery, harvest your crops in the early morning while they still have some of the coolness of the evening air. If they have dew, wipe them dry with a paper towel. Each item should be visually inspected for serious bruising, insect damage, and ripeness. Do not donate produce that you would not feed your own family. Produce that is overripe, has mushy spots, or is seriously blemished should either be made into a soup, stew, or go into a compost pile but not donated. (Note, if you used any pesticide on your garden, please take the time to clean each piece of produce as recommended by the pesticide manufacturer on the label before you let anyone eat it.)
Next, unless they have given you other instructions package your produce in paper supermarket bags and take them to the pantry at the requested time. If you find the pantry convenient to get to, you can continue to share your produce with them through the rest of the growing season. Alternatively, you may decide to go back to AmpleHarvest.org next time and select a different pantry – sharing your produce with several pantries.
Please let the pantry know that you found them through AmpleHarvest.org.
Lastly, please remember to let your fellow gardeners know about AmpleHarvest.org, so they can share the bounty of their garden at their harvest time. You can send us a photo of your donation at [email protected]!
Yes! The produce you bring will be pooled with that of other backyard gardeners in your area. For all you know, the next gardener might bring only three tomatoes and two bags of cucumbers.
Remember, the key thing is that food should not be wasted, especially when so many Americans are having a hard time feeding their families.
Your bounty, large or small, will help to diminish hunger in America.
Donations may be tax deductible, provided you can determine the fair market value of your donation. We spoke to our tax experts but you will need to talk to yours to get an answer that will be applicable to your situation. You may print out a food donation receipt and use it to help document the donation.
Most do not – they are perfectly happy with fresh produce, organic or not. HOWEVER, you may want to let the pantry know if you use organic methods in case one of their clients prefers it. However, with organic methods, you can harvest healthier food without depleting the earth as much.
Please click here for a number of recommended links to help you grow a healthy garden.
We would love to know about it. Send an email to [email protected] and let us know how much produce you were able to share. You might also want to visit our Facebook page and post the information there too.
There is no need to identify yourself if you don’t want to, simply sign it with your initials and your city and state.
Just because you know about the pantry does not mean that other backyard gardeners in your area also know about it.
Please make every effort to inform the pantry about AmpleHarvest.org. The key to success of the movement is to have as many food pantries as possible listed on the site.
You can visit the pantry and suggest that they go to www.AmpleHarvest.org to list their pantry. If they do not have Internet access, print out the pantry flier along with the Top10 reasons to join AmpleHarvest.org flier and give it to them. They may need your help to actually do the registration, but please do not register them yourself without their knowledge. Please remind them that there is absolutely no cost or obligations involved with joining AmpleHarvest.org.
You are protected by the Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act signed during the Clinton administration. The Act is intended to encourage donations of food to nonprofit organizations while providing the donor with “Good Samaritan” protection. You are provided protection from criminal and civil liability providing you did not exhibit gross negligence. The text of the act can be read here. Although the text doesn’t explicitly mentioned garden produce, a followup clarification from the USDA (scroll to table 1) affirms that gardeners donating garden produce are protected by the act.
Yes. Both programs work very hard to get fresh garden produce to the food insecure, in different but complementary ways. AmpleHarvest.org is focused on getting fresh produce from millions of gardeners across all 50 states to local food pantries, whether they planted extra on purpose—with PAR, for example—or accidentally ended up with too much. AmpleHarvest.org offers all gardeners nationwide, including those participating in Plant-A-Row, online real-time information about their neighborhood pantries. Additionally, AmpleHarvest.org also offers gardeners and non-gardeners alike, the opportunity to see what store bought items the food pantries in their community are most in need of. A food agency or gardener can easily participate in both programs.
We really need your support. Making a small monthly contribution is critical to helping us reach more gardeners like you.
Yes. Make a short (really short) video for us.
Food pantries across America were invited to say “thank you” to gardeners like you that donate food from their garden (examples at www.AmpleHarvest.org/feedback.) Take a moment to let it soak in – you are really making a difference in your community.
We would LOVE to also have a very short video from you for the food pantries, hungry families and others to see – videos that express how donating food makes you feel. This is all about neighbors helping neighbors on a nationwide basis. All we are asking for is a 30 or 45 second video (and for sure, nothing longer than 60 seconds) on your phone or computer. Just follow these five easy steps.
- Please start the video with something like: Hi – I’m << first name only>> from <<your state>>.
- Then continue with
- I donated food to an AmpleHarvest.org food pantry
I’m thrilled to be connected to a local food pantry.
- Then continue with your “how I feel” message. Take a moment to explain what motivates you to donate (“I hate seeing food go to waste” or “I want to help hungry neighbors” or “I know how important healthy food is for people with health issues” for example), how you feel when you drop it off at a pantry, what (if anything) hungry families there might have said to you, etc. You can also include, if you wish, a bit about what you donated (“Last time, I dropped off a bag of freshly harvested tomatoes….” for example)
- Be sure to say something that might encourage other gardeners like “you can do it too!” or “seeing their smiles really makes my day” etc., at the end.
- Then upload the video to dropbox.
Food pantries love hearing from the gardeners, hungry families appreciate your donations, and other gardeners will learn about donating thanks to you.
Note: These videos will be shared online with the food pantries and other gardeners on social media. Please do not include anyone in the video that doesn’t want to be recorded, and please do not include any personally identifiable information. Remember…. use your first name and state only.